What we believe

Jesus Christ is Lord

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We Believe And Teach...

Mission - Vision - Values


Changing our World, one connection, at a time.


  • Personal change (transformation) before public change
  • New identity in Christ
  • Intentional interactions with people every day
  • Renewed life
  • Being fully present with the person(s) during the time God affords
  • Abiding


Empowering families with the relational skills for healthy interactions AND the spiritual discernment for making life choices that extend into eternity.


  • Equipping saints for service to be Christ’s Ambassadors speaking Truth in Love
  • Relying on the Holy Spirit to bring out our New Humanity in Christ for God’s eternal glory


  • Grace filled in all that we do catching people doing what is spiritually in alignment with God’s Plan
  • Adaptive and Relevancy will guide our ability to show the Grace-filled power of a Transformed Life
  • Wisdom/Discernment & Deliberateness expresses how each member will step out in living the mission
  • Prayer & Principle-led are the guardians of walking in God’s Plan

Our Goals At Bunde CRC

As a congregation, we strive to better serve God in our community and share Christ with everyone. We desire to accomplish the following, to the best of our ability, with God’s help and guidance:

1. In a world that is ever changing, we see our community becoming more and more diverse in its ethnicity, age, affluence, and occupation. We are no longer just an agricultural based German community. Therefore, we will reflect our community’s diversity.

2. When one usually thinks of missions, ideas of far away places pop into the mind. Recognizing the need for Jesus in our immediate community commands that we will expand our local missions outside of Bunde CRC’s doors and into our surrounding area, realizing it as our mission field.

3. A passionate, Christian life that reflects accountability, spiritual growth, and dedication to prayer has been expressed as a desire of many of our members. One of the ways in which to accomplish this is through small group ministries. Here at Bunde CRC our small groups continue to grow in number and strength as we try to meet the needs of all individuals who come through our doors to meet Jesus in a passionate and personal way.

4. To have an effective and vibrant Church, everyone must be contributing to accomplish the task set before us. We believe God has given everyone gifts to be used in service to Him. We desire to help everyone identify their spiritual gifts and for everyone to be using their spiritual gifts in service to God and their fellow men.

5. In a world where we have been called by God to love our neighbor, we want to follow His example. Many people in our immediate community have needs that are both physical and spiritual. In obedience to God’s command we will reach out to our community, meeting physical and spiritual needs with the love of Jesus.

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