Church Life

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Children’s Worship

Children's Worship is a Sunday morning program that meets during the regular service to allow children ages 3 to PreK a time to learn and grow through singing songs, hearing Bible stories, and doing crafts. This ministry meets every week throughout the school year. Stories from the Old and New Testament focus on helping kids love God and His word and live it out.

Sunday School

Sunday School is a Sunday morning program that meets before the regular service for children ages Kindergarten through 8th grade. Through group worship and Bible study with classmates, we seek to train children in the essentials of faith, deepen relationships, and foster spiritual growth.


GEMS, Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior, is a bi-weekly Wednesday evening ministry at Raymond CRC for girls’ spiritual growth, providing real answers to the challenges girls face. Through our club program, girls in 2nd-8th grades participate in Bible study, crafts, and activities in a place where girls will belong and be loved.


Cadets is a Wednesday evening program that meets bi-weekly at Raymond CRC to help boys in 2nd-8th grades become more Christlike in all areas of life. Meetings include assembling with the entire club, breaking up into small groups for Bible study, working on badges, and a time of games or other physical activity.


Jr. JAM, Jesus and Me, is a Sunday evening youth group for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade aimed at fostering relationships and a love for Jesus Christ. Meetings are on the first and third Sundays of the month. The meeting location alternates between Bunde CRC and Raymond CRC, another local church we partner with for this ministry. Evenings consist of a Bible study, games, and snacks. The lessons include topics such as humility, peer pressure, identity, friendships and much more - all delivered through a Biblical lens.


JAM, Jesus and Me, is a weekly, Wednesday night youth group for students in 9th-12th grade. Meetings are held at Bunde CRC or Raymond CRC, another local church we partner with for this ministry. We meet throughout the school year and participate in a mission trip each summer. During our time together, we dig through Bible studies, hear from speakers, and enjoy some nights focused on fun and fellowship. We build relationships with each other and with Christ during our time. We try to help prepare students for life after high school and discuss realistic ways to apply their faith and all they have learned wherever God leads them next!

Faith & Life

This program is for high school students to dig deeper into their beliefs by studying the Catechism on Sunday mornings before the regular worship service. This program helps equip students with skills for standing on their faith when life challenges arise.


Bunde MOMS (Making Our Mothering Significant) is offered for mothers and expecting mothers. We meet biweekly on Wednesday mornings at Bunde CRC. MOMS exists to provide a community of love, support, and spiritual nurturing for women during this important life stage for them and their children.

Ladies’ Bible Study

Ladies’ Bible Study meets the first Wednesday afternoon of every month at Bunde CRC. Ladies’ Bible Study is for women from multiple generations who seek to grow in faith and life with Jesus while deliberately finding fellowship for ladies of all ages.


God gives us the privilege of having an impact on our wider world through regular monthly support and prayer. Bunde CRC supports the following missions: Back to God Ministries, Bible League, Campus Crusade for Christ, Cornerstone Prison Church, Resonate, The Luke Society, United Campus Ministry, and Young Life.

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